Eastside Foot & Ankle Clinic, P.C.


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Orthotics services offered in St. Clair Shores, MI

When you have painful heels, diabetic foot problems, or aching legs and ankles, you could benefit from the use of medical shoe inserts or orthotics. Board-certified podiatrist David Berlin, DPM, of Eastside Foot & Ankle Clinic, P.C., in St. Clair Shores and Troy, Michigan, uses advanced technology to design custom orthotics for a variety of foot and ankle disorders. To find out how your feet and legs could benefit from custom orthotics, call Eastside Foot & Ankle Clinic, P.C., or book an appointment online today.

Orthotics Q & A

What are orthotics?

Orthotics are inserts that go inside your footwear. They support your feet, correct misalignments, and relieve common causes of foot pain.

You can buy orthotics over-the-counter, and good quality options may be of some help for mild foot problems. Far better, though, are the custom-molded orthotics supplied by Eastside Foot & Ankle Clinic, P.C.

Because Dr. Berlin makes them to your unique requirements, custom orthotics can adjust the balance of your feet and support them in precisely the right way to address your symptoms. Over-the-counter shoe inserts don't offer these advantages, and there's even a risk you could make your foot problems worse with the wrong type.

How are orthotics made?

The custom orthotics provided at Eastside Foot & Ankle Clinic, P.C., are individually designed to suit your needs. First, Dr. Berlin examines your feet and the way you walk (your gait). He then makes impressions of your feet using 3D scanning technology.

Dr. Berlin sends the information to a specialized lab that constructs your custom orthotics and returns them to Eastside Foot & Ankle Clinic, P.C. When the orthotics are ready, you go in to make sure they're a perfect fit and wear the orthotics in your shoes from then on.

What conditions can orthotics treat?

Orthotics can help with the treatment of many foot disorders, including:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetic foot problems
  • Morton's neuroma
  • Leg length differences
  • Bunions
  • Hammertoe
  • Arch pain
  • Flatfeet

Orthotics can also relieve pain in your legs and lower back that arise from misalignments in your feet and ankles.

What are the available types of custom orthotics?

There are several types of custom orthotics available:

Rigid orthotics

Rigid orthotics are made from materials like plastic and carbon fiber. They alter the alignment of your foot to correct structural problems and resolve ankle, leg, and back pain.

Soft orthotics

Soft orthotics feature cushioning materials that absorb shock and relieve pressure from painful areas of the feet. They also help improve your balance. Soft orthotics are best for problems like arthritis, bunions, plantar fasciitis, and the diabetic foot.

Semi-rigid orthotics

Semi-rigid orthotics offer improved balance in the feet with their combination of soft, supportive materials and harder reinforced areas. Dr. Berlin might use semi-rigid orthotics to help children with flatfeet and disorders like in-toeing or out-toeing.

To find out more about the benefits of custom orthotics, call Eastside Foot & Ankle Clinic, P.C., today or book an appointment online.